Herbal Anti-Inflammatories
Index of Diseases / Health Conditions ... Medicinal Foods, Herbs, Spices & Household Items
Please note that the information on the "Natural Antibiotics" page is relevant for human holistic applications. Please discuss with your holistic vet which food items, if any, are safe and effective for pets.
The information is given for reference only - please consult a healthcare practitioner before incorporating any alternative treatment protocols into your treatment plan ... Disclaimer.
Herbs have long histories of usage for conditions that involve inflammation -- most commonly marked by redness, pain and swelling. Muscle and joint injuries should always be treated with RICE (rest, ice, compression and elevation) at the time of the injury.
- Consult with a health practitioner if symptoms do not subside within a few days.
- Seek IMMEDIATE medical attention if inflammation is accompanied by high fever or if a severe injury (such as fracture or torn ligament) is suspected
- Note: The below anti-inflammatories have not been evaluated for animal use. For this reason, please consult with a vet -- preferably with one who has experience in alternative treatments. There aren't many out there, but you can find them. They usually combine holistic treatments with traditional medicine.
Arnica - to relieve soreness and swelling following an injury or surgery.
Antioxidant-rich Food:
The more colorful the produce, the richer it is in antioxidants. Keep your kitchen stocked with bright, colorful fruits and veggies like strawberries, spinach, carrots and broccoli. Blueberries have an oxygen radical absorption capacity value of 2,400 per 100 grams of antioxidant power and they are rich in anthocyanins, ellagic acid and phenolic acids. They help fight bacteria that can cause urinary tract infections, and blueberry extract may combat pain. Fresh and frozen (without added sugar) are comparable from a nutritional standpoint, but dried blueberries contain lower amounts of antioxidant anthocyanins
Apples: Significantly lower or normalize cholesterol and triglycerides. Contain anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-inflammatory agents.
Green Tea:
Green tea is valued as a wrinkle reverser, inhibiting inflammation and sun damage. An article published in the Archives of Dermatology concurs that green tea may, indeed, ward off skin cancer and signs of aging. Researchers at Case Western University in Cleveland maintain that the secret to green tea's skin-protective properties are its high levels of its high levels of polyphenols and catechins - powerful antioxidants shown to function as anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer agents.
- Tip: After making a cup of tea, save the tea bags in a closed glass container in your refrigerator and use them as cleansing pads for your face the next morning. They are perfect for exfoliating the skin and green tea has anti-inflammatory properties.
- If you really want to reap the
- Available at your stores -- please make sure that you get the organic, higher-quality variety.
Licorice Root:
Antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory. In one Japanese study, strains of Staphylococcus aureus that proved resistant to penicillin and streptomycin were inactivated by licorice root extract. (Ref.: www.islandnet.com)
Antibacterial / Antiviral / Anti-inflammatory / Antibiotics / Antiseptic / Antioxident / Free-Radicals Protection:
Cod Liver Oil ... Natural Antibiotics ... Apples ... Apple Cider Vinegar ... Bartlett Pears ... Blueberries have an oxygen radical absorption capacity value of 2,400 per 100 grams of antioxidant power and they are rich in anthocyanins, ellagic acid and phenolic acids. They help fight bacteria that can cause urinary tract infections, and blueberry extract may combat pain. Fresh and frozen (without added sugar) are comparable from a nutritional standpoint, but dried blueberries contain lower amounts of antioxidant anthocyanins ... Cranberries ... Collard Greens ... Eggplant (toxic to birds) ... Health Benefits of Flax Seeds ... Garlic ... Fennel Bulbs ... Green Beens ... Kale ... Kiwifruits ... Lemons & Limes ... Raw Honey ... Vitamin E ... Mustard Greens ... Olive Oil (instead of other oils) ... Olives ... Onions (toxic to birds) ... Oranges ... Papaya ... Parsley ... Pineapple ... Plums ... Prunes ... Raisins (*AvianWeb Note: Raisins have the potential of toxicity in pets if fed in too high a quantity. Caution is advised) ... Raspberries ... Sea Vegetables / Sea Weed ... Sweet Potatoes ... Spinach ... Swiss Chard ... Strawberries (organic only) ... Tomatoes (leaves and stem are toxic to birds) ... Yogurt
Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera has powerful anti-inflammatory, burn healing and wound & scar-healing properties based on its more than 200 biologically active agents, including Vitamin E, B and C - and the mineral zinc.
When used as part of a daily skin care regimen, aloe vera helps to keep skin supple by transporting oxygen to skin and removing dead cells.
Topically, aloe vera benefits dry and cracked skin, allergic reactions, burns, wounds, insect bites, blisters and even frostbites.
Studies consistently demonstrate that Aloe Vera is effective in soothing a wide variety of skin ailments, including mild to moderate symptoms of psoriasis, eczema and seborrhea.
Arnica: Flowers of this mountain-dwelling plant are used in cream form to ease joint aches and to prevent swelling and bruising at injury sites.
- Do not use on broken skin; suitable for external use only
Boswellia: Taken from the frankincense tree of Three Wise Men fame, this ancient remedy has been found to shrink the inflamed joint tissue that marks arthritis.
Bromelain: This pineapple-based enzyme helps reduce inflammatory reactions resulting from injuries and arthritis - and serves also as a digestive aid. To fight inflammation, take on an empty stomach.
Calendula: Widely grown as a garden flower, this marigold variety is used in creams to prevent skin damage caused by the sun and wind, and to soothe insect bites as well as minor scrapes and irritations.
Ginger: Long considered an essential item for healers as well as cooks throughout Asia, this well-known spice is employed as a remedy for arthritis, bursitis and similar ailments.
If you are don't usually use this spice in your meals, the following teas work just as well. Please note that the first one is spicy - which some people love (as I do), but are not for others .
*Note: Ginger can decrease blood clotting and should not be taken by people with bleeding disorders....
Grape Seed: This powerful antioxidant helps reduce swelling, especially swollen ankles associated with circulatory difficulties, and interferes with histamine - the inflammatory agent responsible for allergic reactions.
Devil's Claw: The root of this vine, native to the Kalahari desert in southern Africa, is most often used for arthritis relief, but has helped people with lower back pain as well.
Marshmallow Root: Marshmallow (Althaea Officinalis) soothes inflamed tissues in the digestive system, it may also help with gastrointestinal upset, lung congestion, dry coughs, sore throat, colitis, and urinary tract infections.
SAM-e: SAM-e (short for S-adenosylmethionine) is a dietary supplement. . SAM-e is often promoted to treat osteoarthritis and arthritis joint pain, depression, fibromyalgia, and other conditions. However, SAM-e may not be recommended for individuals with heart problems, suspected or diagnosed.
Turmeric: In the Ayurvedic tradition, Turmeric is known for its anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and skin beautifying properties.
- Helps support skin, blood and liver functions
- Used for its analgesic and anti-inflammatory actions
- Turmeric has been used for thousands of years by Indian Women to make their skin beautiful and blemish free.
- Clinical trials strongly suggest that Turmeric offers triple protection against cancer by neutralizing carcinogens, by increasing the integrity of the cell so that it can withstand the presence of carcinogens, and by inhibiting the growth of tumors.
- Turmeric as an Anti-Oxidant is 5 times more powerful than Vitamin E.
- Studies show that Turmeric out performs even cortisone.
- AIDS Research shows that Turmeric inhibits HIV replication and boosts the Immune system.
- Turmeric is a potent antibiotic, anti-viral, anti-microbe
Willow Bark: Aspirin is a synthetic form of salicylic acid, willow bark's primary component. Unlike aspirin, willow bark doesn't cause stomach upset when used for headaches, toothaches and arthritic aches.