Alkalizing Foods for Good Health: Information, Research, Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Alkalizing Foods


Index of Diseases / Health Conditions ... Medicinal Foods, Herbs, Spices & Household Items

The below provides a general overview on this topic and may not apply to everyone. Any treatment protocol should be discussed with a qualified healthcare practitioner ... Please refer to: Medical & Legal Disclaimer.


Adapted from The Acid-Alkaline Diet, by Christopher Vasey, N.D. (Inner Traditions, 2003).

"Because of factors like diet and stress, many people in industrialized nations are too acidic, and so we are afflicted with health problems that run the gamut from minor skin irritations to depressionchronic fatigue and back pain to arthritisulcers, and osteoporosis."


The following alkalinizing foods will help you to balance your over-acidity:

Vegetables Vegetables / Contd. Fruits / Contd. Protein / Contd. Oriental Vegetables / Contd.
Alfalfa Nightshade Veggies Grapefruit Squash Seeds Nori
Asparagus Onions Grapes Sunflower Seeds Reishi
Barley Grass Parsnips* Honeydew Melon Tempeh (fermented) Shitake
Beets Peas Lemon Tofu (fermented) Umeboshi
Broccoli Peppers Lime Whey Wakame
Brussel sprouts Pumpkin Nectarine Yogurt  
Cabbage Rutabaga Orange   Other
Carrot Spirulina Peach Spices/Seasonings Alkaline Antioxidant Water
Cauliflower* Sprouts Pear All Herbs Apple Cider Vinegar
Celery Squashes Pineapple Chili Pepper Banchi Tea
Chard Watercress Tangerine Cinnamon Bee Pollen
Chlorella Wheat Grass Tomato Curry Dandelion Tea
Collards Greens Wild Greens Tropical Fruits Ginger* Fresh Fruit Juice
Cucumber Sea Veggies Watermelon Mustard Ginseng Tea
Dandelions     Sea Salt Green Juices
Duice Fruits Protein Tamari Green Tea
Edible flowers All Berries Almonds   Herbal Tea
Eggplant Apple Chestnuts Sweeteners Kombucha
Fermented  Veggies Apricot Chicken Breast Stevia Lacithin Granules
Garlic Avocado Cottage Cheese   Mineral Water
Kale Banana* Eggs Oriental Vegetables Organic Milk
Kohirabi Cantaloupe Flax Seeds Daikon (unpasteurized)
Lettuce Cherries Nuts Dandelion Root Probiotic Cultures
Mushrooms Currants Protein Powder Kombu Veggie Juices
Mustard Greens Dates/Figs Pumpkin Seeds Maltake  

*Cauliflower is loaded with nutrients that are essential for keeping the immune system strong. One study found that eating just four servings of cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli or cauliflower, a week slashed the risk of dying from ANY medical cause by 26%! (From "The Doctors Book of Food Remedies," page 149).

*Psoralens in raw and cooked parsnip root by GW Ivie, DL Holt, and MC Ivey: Parsnip root contains three photoactive, mutagenic, and photocarcinogenic psoralens in a total concentration of about 40 parts per million. These chemicals are not destroyed by normal cooking procedures (boiling or microwave); thus humans are exposed to appreciable levels of psoralens through the consumption of parsnip and possibly other psoralen-containing foodstuffs. The toxicologic consequences to man of such exposure may be speculated on the basis of medicinal and laboratory studies, but epidemiologic data are not available.

*Ginger can decrease blood clotting and should not be taken by people with bleeding disorders.

This Chart is Courtesy of:

“Decide today to make this life style change. Internals, externals and your environment. Improving your quality of life starts TODAY! “
-Trisha Springstead
Esp Botanicals 406 East Liberty, Brooksville, FL


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