Immune Function / Allergies
Index of Diseases / Health Conditions ... Medicinal Foods, Herbs, Spices & Household Items
Please note that the information on the "Natural Antibiotics" page is relevant for human holistic applications. Please discuss with your holistic vet which food items, if any, are safe and effective for pets.
The information is given for reference only - consult a healthcare practitioner before incorporating any alternative treatment protocols into your treatment plan ... Disclaimer.
A strong immunesystem will protect you from virtually ANY disease and is the best anti-aging tool in existence.
Immune System Boosters Are:
- A healthy diet that includes plenty of antioxidants, such as Beta-Carotene, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin B6, Bioflavonoids, and minerals, t include Zinc, Iron (excess iron depresses the immune response),Copper, Magnesium,Selenium.
- List of Food Items that will stengthen your immunesystem
- Vitamin C's application in cancer treatments.
Medicinal Herbs, Spices and Cancer-Fighting Food: Shitake Mushrooms, Reishi Mushrooms, Garlic, Licorice, Echinacea, Ginseng, Aloes, Astragalus(Bei qi), Green Tea, Saffron, Turmeric, Cumin, Cruciferous Vegetables, Soybeans and Tempeh, Soybean Products, Beans (legumes), Fruits, Ginger - *Note: Ginger can decrease blood clotting and should not be taken by people with bleeding disorders.
- Detoxify your body regularly and reduce exposure to toxins in your environment.
- Exercise at least three to four times per week.
- Click here to learn about the benefits of a massage on your general health and well-being, including a stronger immunesystem
- Stress Reduction: Develop a positive attitude; meditate, do yoga.
These food items help with the following conditions:
Antibacterial / Antiviral / Anti-inflammatory / Antibiotics / Antiseptic / Antioxident / Free-Radicals Protection:
Cod Liver Oil ... Natural Antibiotics (for birds and humans) ... Apples ... Apple Cider Vinegar ... Bartlett Pears ... Blueberries have an oxygen radical absorption capacity value of 2,400 per 100 grams of antioxidant power and they are rich in anthocyanins, ellagic acid and phenolic acids. They help fight bacteria that can cause urinary tract infections, and blueberry extract may combat pain. Fresh and frozen (without added sugar) are comparable from a nutritional standpoint, but dried blueberries contain lower amounts of antioxidant anthocyanins ... Cranberries ... Collard Greens ... Eggplant (toxic to birds) ... Health Benefits of Flax Seeds ... Garlic (safe for birds in SMALL amounts)... Fennel Bulbs ... Green Beens ... Kale ... Kiwifruits ... Lemons & Limes ... Raw Honey ... Vitamin E ... Mustard Greens ... Olive Oil (instead of other oils) ... Olives ... Onions (toxic to birds) ... Oranges ... Papaya ... Parsley ... Pineapple ... Plums ... Prunes ... Raisins (*Note: Raisins have the potential of toxicity in pets if fed in too high a quantity. Caution is advised) ... Raspberries ... Sea Vegetables / Sea Weed ... Sweet Potatoes ... Spinach ... Swiss Chard ... Strawberries (organic only) ... Tomatoes (leaves and stem are toxic to birds) ... Yogurt
Treating the Common Cold - Holistically
Alfalfa (Organic):
lkalizes and detoxifies the body, especially the liver, and it contains an anti-fungal agent. It is an excellent appetite stimulant and overall tonic and an excellent source of chlorophyll and vitamins. Sprinkle it over your birds' soft food a couple of times a week.
Australian Tea Tree Oil aka Oil of Melaleuca Alternifolia
This essential oil possesses one amazing antimicrobial properties. In one study of childrens ear infections, doctors found a mixture of Essential oils to be more effective than neomycin. Tea tree oil may be dripped directly onto wounds.
An overall digestive aid containing liberal amounts of Vitamins A, C, B-complex, calcium, phosphorous and iron. It is anti-inflammatory and helps arthritic conditions. Parrots love the taste of cayenne and will try new and unfamiliar foods, such as sprouts, when you sprinkle on this healthful herb.
Echinacea Herb:
Kills a broad range of disease-causing pathogens, including: viruses, bacteria, fungi and protazoa.
Goldenseal Herb:
Strong antibiotic properties. It has a long history of use in infections including bacterial, viral, fungal, and parasitic. Staph, strep, E. coli, Vibrio cholera, Giardia lamblia,and even tuberculosis bacterium have proven sensitive to this herb.
Licorice Root:
Antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory. In one Japanese study, strains of Staphylococcus aureus that proved resistant to penicillin and streptomycin were inactivated by licorice root extract. (Ref.:
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