Wheat Intolerance & Celiac Disease
Index of Diseases / Health Conditions ... Medicinal Foods, Herbs, Spices & Household Items
The below provides a general overview on this topic and may not apply to everyone. Any treatment protocol should be discussed with a qualified healthcare practitioner ... Please refer to: Medical & Legal Disclaimer.
Unhealthy conditions, such as excess weight, diabetes, high cholesterol, depression, hypothyroidism, asthma, irritable bowel, reflux, migraines, ADD, irritability, PMS and more, are increasingly being linked to diets high in sugar, bread, pasta, white rice, potato, cereals, snack foods and baked goods.
- 1 in 7 People is Sensitive to Wheat - causing myriad health problems, including weight gain.
If you find that you feel unwell after eating wheat-based foods, try taking wheat and flour-based products out of your diet for seven days and see how you feel. I know that this seems easier said than done. However, various wheat- and gluten-free products are now available at local health food stores. Furthermore, there are ways for you to substitute wheat products, for example, almond flour can be used make delicious pancakes and bread.
People usually find that, once wheat has been eliminated from their diet, symptoms usually clear up quickly, without any drugs or therapies needed.
Wiliam Crook, author of the book Yeast Syndrome recommends a restrictive diet consisting of only meats/fish, eggs, vegetables, and ~ about 3 cups of yogurt a day for 3 to 4 weeks. Then move to Stage 2, which allows you to slowly add potatoes, nonwheat grains such as buckwheat, quinoa, millet, and spelt, brown rice, low-sugar fruits, and some other unrefined carbs. Carbs should only be eaten in moderation. By adding one food item at a time, patients identify those food items they are sensitive to, and which need to be eliminated permanently.
Patients following Dr. Crook's strategies (including the diet discussed above) reported considerable improvements in their symptoms.
Wheat Intolerance / Wheat Allergy:
Wheat is probably the most commonly consumed grain and has definite health benefits; however, some of the core chemicals related to the grain and grass family (phenols) are said to cause inflammation, arthritis and joint stiffness.
Sudden-onset symptoms may include: | Delayed-onset Symptoms may include: |
Gluten Intolerance / Celiac Disease:
Gluten is a highly complex protein that occurs in four main grains: Wheat, rye, barley and oats. It is present in all types of wheat grain like whole grain wheat, wheat bran, spelt, triticale and others. Gluten is also present in all baked foods that are made from these grains: bread, pies, cake, breakfast cereals, porridge, cookies, pizza and pasta.
Bad reactions to Gluten (from wheat and other grains) are common - up to 15% of all people get them (1 in 7 people). The much rarer Celiac Disease only affects ~0.3% (1 in 200). Tests for Gluten Intolerance are rather unreliable. Some tests may only verify Celiac Disease, but they miss all those other Gluten-sensitive people who are Non-Celiac Gluten Intolerant (NCGS).
Gluten intolerance has been linked to miscarriage, autism, intestinal disease (including irritable bowel syndrome), malnutrition, rheumatoid arthritis, heart disease, and developmental delay in children, just to name a few. Oftentimes, your gluten sensitivity may present with various unexplained symptoms.
Note: Many women who are misdiagnosed with Irritable Bowel Disease (IBS) are actually suffering from Celiac Disease. If you suffer from diarrhea, bloating, gassiness or unexplained abdominal pain, and are diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Disease, insist on getting tested for Celiac Disease.
Non-Celiac Gluten Intolerant (NCGS): *Most mature doctors have not heard of Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity which is much more common than Celiac Disease.
- Symptoms: Patients frequently suffer from headaches, fluid retention, anemia, asthma, mouth ulcers, stomach bloating, weight gain or weight loss, poor immunity to disease, and skin problems like dermatitis, eczema, and miscarriage. Common Gluten intolerance symptoms are gastro-intestinal (diarrhea, flatulence, bloating etc.).
Celiac is an inherited, autoimmune disorder where the lining of the small intestine is damaged when a person eats gluten, a protein found in wheat and grains.
The adults in the study were between the ages of 45 and 79, with an average age of 64. After switching to a gluten-free diet - the primary treatment for celiac disease - two individuals improved, reversing their dementia; and one other stabilized. Even though further studies are needed, it does show an urgency for healthcare providers to be on the lookout for celiac disease in their elderly patients.
- Symptoms include frequent diarrhea, cramping, bloating, and weight loss, making this disorder difficult to diagnose since its symptoms are similar to other diseases, including irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis
- Research at the Mayo Clinic shows a link between dementia, which affects more than 4.5 million Americans, and celiac disease - one of the most under-diagnosed and common diseases in America. The National Foundation for Celiac Awareness estimates an average of 1 in every 133 Americans have this often-debilitating disorder.
Untreated Celiac Disease can lead to diabetes, osteoporosis and even cancer.
Chronic Symptoms May Include: | Associated Health Risks: |
Information contained on this website is provided as general reference only. For application to specific circumstances, professional advice should be sought.
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