Health Benefits of Honey
Index of Diseases / Health Conditions ... Medicinal Foods, Herbs, Spices & Household Items
The below provides a general overview on this topic and may not apply to everyone. Any treatment protocol should be discussed with a qualified healthcare practitioner ... Please refer to: Medical & Legal Disclaimer.
Raw unpasteurized honey from the health food store (not processed or pasteurized from the supermarket) is one of the oldest and most reliable healing foods - specifically Manuka Honey is highly recommended for its healing properties. It's a superfood that provides antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, amino acids, enzymes, carbohydrates, and phytonutrients. It fights bacteria, builds the immune system, and provides energy.
- Processed Honey: According to the National Honey Board (NHB), ( , 82 percent of households currently use processed honey, which has been heated and pasteurized, and can contain botulism and High Fructose Corn Syrup, (HFCS). Processed honey is not as antibacterial, as raw honey, and is dangerous for diabetics and infants under 12 months old.
Benefits of Raw & Unprocessed Honey:
May Berenbaum, Ph.D., a University of Illinois entomologist, shares that "Honey has been used for centuries to treat a wide range of medical problems like wounds, burns, cataracts, skin ulcers and scrapes," Various researchers worldwide are finding strong antimicrobial properties in some honeys.
Healing Qualities:
Raw honey is used by many cultures as a remedy for ulcers, digestion, bronchitis, and as an energizer, as well as many other answers to health problems.
- Recently, the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration, the equivalent of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, approved Manuka Tree honey as a medicine.
Wound Care / Burns:
One reports published in the 1998 issue of the journal Burns, tells how researchers from the Dr. V. M. Medical College in Maharashtra, India, compared honey with silver sulfadiazine, the standard treatment for superficial burns.
- The researchers first smeared honey on gauze and used it to dress the burns of 52 patients. Another 52 patients got the same treatment but with silver sulfadiazine in place of the honey.
- In the 52 patients treated with honey, 87 percent healed within 15 days, compared with 10 percent of those treated with silver sulfadiazine.
- The honey-treated patients also experienced less pain, leaking of wound fluid, and scarring.
Up until World War II, honey was used commonly to treat skin wounds. With the introduction of antibiotics in the 1940s, honey was taken out of the medicine cabinets and returned to the kitchen. Some doctors are starting to use honey when modern medicines have been tried - and failed - to cure skin wounds. Honey contains three ingredients that make it ideal for treating wounds.
- Molan, a biochemist at the University of Waikato in New Zealand, and other researchers have found special bacteria-killing properties in honey made from the nectar of the tea tree (Leptospermum). In laboratory experiments, reported in the November 1992 Journal of Applied Bacteriology, Molan and his colleagues found that it was particularly effective in slaying staphylococcus aureus. This so-called "Golden Staph" -- which infested the English woman's 20-year-old wound -- sometimes survives the most potent antibiotics, killing its victims. "Manuka honey has worked in very desperate cases where nothing else has worked," says Molan.
- Because it's high in sugar, it absorbs much of the moisture inside wounds, making it hard for bacteria to survive.
- In addition, many honey varieties contain large amounts of hydrogen peroxide, the same medicine you use at home to disinfect cuts and scrapes.
- Finally, some honey contain propolis, a compound in nectar that can kill bacteria. In a laboratory study, researchers smeared honey on seven types of bacteria that frequently cause wound infections, and according to a renowned professor of biochemistry at the University of Waikato in Hamilton, New Zealand, it effectively killed all seven types.
An ancient Egyptian folk remedy involves the use of unprocessed pure honey to heal cataracts. The instructions were to put a few drops of raw honey in the eyes. Apparently, this remedy has helped many patients.
According to May Berenbaum, Ph.D., a University of Illinois entomologist. "Honey has been used for centuries to treat a wide range of medical problems like wounds, burns, cataracts, skin ulcers and scrapes."
Self-help enthusiasts report:
"Angie": "I've been applying honey (raw, organic wildflower) directly to the eye with the cataract for about 5 days now, before bed. I did this after reading a testimonial that it healed a gentleman's cataract in 3 days. It does sting for a few seconds, which is what I read would happen. And the morning after I woke up to clearer vision in that eye! And my eye seemed to have regained its sensitivity to the air. That night, I was also able to write an email without wearing my glasses! I'm also finding the eye with the cataract is seeing better with less strain to focus. Since then there haven't been any more dramatic changes, but I feel like things are slower getting better. My eye feels like it focuses better and it feels more moisturized. I'm really willing to continue the treatment because of the results thus far. The first night I was apprehensive about sticking honey in my eye. I was terrified I would end up blind, but that first morning was incredible! I hope I have more to update, soon. And that this report has helped others looking for natural healing." Source:
Dusty: " I have a 7 1/2 year old miniature poodle who had dry eye at the age of 3. He was put on medication which caused him to have cataracts. He is almost completely blind but still a happy loving dog. I was given a clipping written by a veterenarian about 20 years ago. He said "putting a drop of Eucalyptus honey in each eye would help the cataracts". I went online a few months ago to look up information and found two articles written by veterenarian's saying the same thing. Up until that time his eyes ran even with the medicine the animal opthamalogist put him on. I decided to try the honey and his eyes cleared up. No longer itching and running. I still use the medicine but the first thing in the morning I wash his eyes and then put the honey in. About 5 minutes later I put his medicine in. It may be an "old wives tale" but it has given him so much relief that it is unreal. I did mention it to the Vet but she said a big "NO, you can't do that". However I felt I had nothing to lose as he is not a canditate for surgery due to his dry eyes either. I bought the Eucalyptus honey and whenever people see him they say his eyes look so much better. I just wonder if anyone has ever heard of this. Sometimes Homeopathic things do work. He is a very happy and well adjusted little dog." Source:
Another resource:
Formerly, stress, fatty foods and smoking were blamed by scientists for causing ulcers. (For tips to stop smoking, please click here.) Now research indicates that the real culprit may be bacterial infection. Since antibiotics are typically prescribed for relief - and resistance to them can mean several rounds of drugs to completely destroy the ulcer-causing bacteria - new research favors a sweeter solution: Manuka Honey.
"Manuka Honey is the only kind that retains its bacteria-fighting power when ingested," says Peter Molan, Ph.D., Director of the Honey Research Unit at the University of Waikato on the New Zealand's North Island. It also soothes the pain from ulcers and stimulates the growth of cells to repair damaged tissue.
- Manuka Honey works for non-bacterial ulcers as well; the kind that is caused by nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), alcohol and stress, and may alleviate mild to severe stomach pain due to inflammation following meals.
- For existing ulcers, take one heaping spoonful of the honey on an empty stomach while symptoms persist.
- For prevention, take a spoonful 30 minutes prior to taking any NSAID and before meals.
- However, because of Manuka Honey's 80% sugar content, diabetics and those with insulin sensitivities should talk to their healthcare provider before following this protocol.
- Raw Active Manuka Honey: Clean the area first and dab a bit raw active Manuka Honey on the wart, then spread some on a bandage and cover the wart. This will keep it on the skin longer and won't be so messy. Repeat daily and change the bandage. This will usually take about 1 1/2 to 2 weeks.
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