Treating the flu - Holistically: Information, Research, Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Flu Shots: Pros and Cons / Risks

First of all: Is it a Cold or the Flu? Click here to find out (lists symptoms for each)


The following requires a visit to your ER:

  • A "cold" of unusual severity, marked by lethargy and the feeling of being too exhausted to get out of bed
  • A fever that suddenly spikes 102F or higher and persists for more than two days
  • Chest pain, difficulty breathing and coughing that expels thick phlegm
  • Poor appetite in infants and toddlers


Call Your Doctor

You usually do not have to call your doctor right away if you have signs of a cold or flu. But you should call your doctor in these situations:

  • Your symptoms get worse.
  • Your symptoms last a long time.
  • After feeling a little better, you show signs of a more serious problem. Some of these signs are a sick-to-your-stomach feeling, vomiting, high fever, shaking, chills, chest pain, or coughing with thick, yellow-green mucus.

About the Flu


Index of Diseases / Health Conditions ... Medicinal Foods, Herbs, Spices & Household Items
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Not Sick Yet - or just feel it "coming on" - then you may want to visit this webpage: Tips to Shorten or Prevent the Flu / Cold


Top Foods to Boost Your Immune System - A strong immune system defends your body against infections of many kinds

Treating the Flu:

  • DO NOT take antibiotics. Antibiotics are not effective against cold and flu germs. It is vitally important that you only take antibiotics when really needed, as determined by your physician. Consider the below natural alternative ...
  • Vitamin C: Thomas E. Levy, M.D., J.D. - a practicing physician for 25 years, a board-certified internist and a fellow of the American College of Cardiology, - states as follows: " I never cease to be amazed at the number of persons who remain unaware that vitamin C is the best broad-spectrum antibiotic, antihistamine, antitoxic and antiviral substance there is." Click here for information on Vitamin C and its application in the treatment of infectious diseases.
  • Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2): Dr. Mercola suggests an unusual, yet effective, trick to beat upper respiratory infections - and that is hydrogen peroxide. He states that many patients have had amazing results curing colds and flu within 12 - 14 hours by administering a few drops of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide into each ear. According to him, one should expect to hear some bubbling and possibly feel a slight stinging sensation. He instructs to wait until the bubbling and stinging subside (typically within 5 to 10 minutes), then drain onto a tissue and repeat with the other ear.
  • Most people recover in 1 to 2 weeks but it could cause a more severe case of pneumonia, and nerve and brain damage. In some cases, your doctors may choose to use certain antiviral drugs to treat the flu.
  • Coconut: Dr. Bruce Fife believes that the coconut is one of the best natural defenses we have against the flu.
    • Coconut oil possesses powerful antiviral properties that can kill viruses, including the flu virus.
    • Coconut oil is composed of a special group of fats known as medium-chain triglycerides. Our bodies convert these fats into medium-chain fatty acids and monoglycerides both of which have been shown to be effective in killing lipid coated viruses.
    • Coconut oil also helps boost the immune system enabling the body to fight off infections more efficiently.
    • By consuming a couple of spoonfuls of coconut oil daily you can develop an immunity of sorts to the flu. This is a safe and economical means to protect yourself from viruses. (Ref.:



The Good Doctor's Guide to Colds and Flu Help Yourself Feel Better While You Are Sick
(The following tips are from the FDA website on the Internet at - contact information at the bottom)

A cold usually lasts only a few days to a week. Tiredness from the flu may continue for several weeks.

To feel better while you are sick:

  • Drink plenty of fluids.
  • Get plenty of rest.
  • Use a humidifier -- an electric device that puts water into the air.
  • Take a cough and cold medicine you buy without a prescription. It may help.


Choose the Right Medicines For Your Symptoms

Make sure the label states that it treats your symptoms.

If you want to: Choose medicine with:
Unclog a stuffy nose Nasal decongestant
Quiet a cough Cough suppressant
Loosen mucus so that you can cough it up Expectorant
Stop runny nose and sneezing Antihistamine
Ease fever, headaches, minor aches and pains Pain reliever (Analgesic)


Protect Your Children From 'Salicylates' In Cold Medicines

  • Do not give aspirin or other salicylates to children or teen-agers with symptoms of a cold or flu.
  • If you aren't sure if a product has salicylates, ask your doctor or pharmacist.
  • Young people can get sick or die from a rare condition called Reye syndrome if they take these medicines while they have these symptoms.


Do You Have Other Questions?

The FDA may have an office near you. Look for the number in the blue pages of the phone book. You can also call the FDA on its toll-free number: (888) INFO-FDA (463-6332). Or you can find the FDA on the Internet at

The Food and Drug Administration is an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that makes sure medicines for illnesses like colds and flu work and are safe. Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration, 5600 Fishers Lane (HFI-40), Rockville, MD 20857

Home Remedies for Fast Flu Relief

Information contained on this website is provided as general reference only. For application to specific circumstances, professional advice should be sought. Please review Disclaimer



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Information contained on this website is provided as general reference only. For application to specific circumstances, professional advice should be sought.

GreenAndHealthy.Info strives to maintain accurate and up-to-date information; however, mistakes do happen. If you would like to correct or update any of the information, please send us an e-mail. THANK YOU!