Calcium Therapy: Holistic Treatment of Dental Problems

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Calcium Therapy

Treatment of gum infections (gingivitis, periodontistis, periodontosis)


The importance of calcium in maintaining a healthy set of teeth is undisputable:

  • There is evidence that the mineralization of dentine (major components of teeth) may depend on calcium derived from saliva rather than blood. In other words, calcium is deposited from the exterior rather than the interior of the tooth.
  • Study results indicated that calcium and vitamin D supplements reduced tooth loss in the elderly (The American Journal of Medicine, Volume 111, Issue 6, Pages 452-456 E.Krall).
  • A clinical evaluation of calcium therapy for periodontal disease by the School of Dental Medicine, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, Sweden, suggest that a calcium intake of at least 1000 mg per day in addition to Vitamin D supplementation have a beneficial effect on tooth retention and osteoporosis.
  • Florida studies by Drs.Y. Pohl, A. Filippi, et al, in OS,OM,OP on replantation of teeth using calcium materials seem to reinfoce the publication of Dr. Manhart's report on Calcium Method of Replantation in the General Dentistry Journal (1983).



The Calcium Therapy Institute of Omaha, Nebraska provides an alternative nonsurgical therapy and prevention of gum disease, gingivitis, periodontal abscess and infection through the use of calcium and zinc compounds.

Please visit their website for information. Mark J. Manhart, D.D.S. Calcium Therapy Institute - 515 North 87th St., Omaha, NE 68114 - (402) 391-2267


About Calcium Therapy ...

Calcium salts are responsible for the solidity of bones and teeth. In part, at least, for the clotting power of blood and milk and the normal functioning of the nerves and motion of smooth muscle. It also exists as an integral part of every living cell in the body, having to do with the passage of nutritional agents through the cell wall and the removal of waste products from the cell in the process of osmosis. It, therefore, follows that any disease phenomenon which interferes with calcium metabolism or any condition, physiologic or otherwise, which results in a depletion of the element from the body, may be benefited by the administration of calcium in some form or other.

Calcium Materials rapidly stimulate healing of infections or wounds in the mouth to a remarkable degree, without harming the healthy tissues.

Calcium Therapy is
  • NON-surgical
  • pain-free
  • fast-acting
  • long-lasting
  • safe gum, teeth &
    bone treatment
  • cost-efficient
Calcium Therapy
  • whitens teeth
  • reduces bleeding
  • controls bad breath
  • tightens teeth
  • strengthens bone
  • desensitizes teeth
  • heals the gums


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